Building fire safety in Queensland

As part of its mandate, the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) conducts regular building inspections to ensure that legislated fire safety systems in multi-occupancy dwellings are maintained and routinely serviced. If deficiencies are identified, they issue appropriate notices and guidance to body corporates.

These notices include:

  • Compliance Notice: Issued if the body corporate needs to take actions to reduce fire risks or comply with specific directives. It outlines applicable laws and requirements for their properties and details non-compliances so the body corporate understands why they are in breach, their remediation obligations and the actions required to achieve compliance. The body corporate has 28 days to take the necessary actions to achieve compliance before an enforcement notice is issued.
  • Enforcement Notice: Issued when a body corporate fails to meet the Fire Safety Standard within the required timeframe.

What are the consequences of non-compliance?

Failure to meet fire safety standards or comply with these notices can result in severe consequences for both occupants and building owners.

Body Corporates that fail to maintain fire-safe premises face fines of up to $250,000, while individuals can be fined up to $100,000. In the event of a fire, insurance claims may also be compromised if an investigation finds the building was non-compliant, leaving occupants and building owners vulnerable to additional financial losses.

Ensuring your property adheres to all the fire safety regulations is crucial to avoid these severe penalties.

You may think your building is compliant and you have nothing to worry about. However, according to a recent QFES Performance Report, less than two-thirds (57%) of the building premises inspected by the QFES were deemed compliant on their first inspection.

How can you ensure you meet the required fire safety standards?

An annual safety fire audit can highlight actual and potential issues in your building, enabling you to take the necessary actions to avoid the risk of non-compliance during a random QFES inspection.

During a fire safety audit, trained professionals examine all aspects of your building’s fire safety. Building owners receive a written report with the outcome of the audit. As well as documenting areas that are fully compliant, it will also provide actionable recommendations to address any shortfalls.

Ask us for a quote or book your fire audit today.  Contact us